Spring weight formula

Calculating the spring weight is necessary for both engineering and manufacturing reasons. They are needed within the engineering section. Because you want the spring to be lightweight in your application. When it comes to the manufacturing phase, we need to estimate the approximate quantity of wire it cost. One more important function of knowing the weight of spring is in shipping. After reading this article, you can definitely learn how to calculate spring weight manually.

You have to calculate the wire length first in order to calculate the spring weight. The formula for wire length varies on different spring types. Below are three main spring types. Before moving on, we write down the formula from us here. Please write down this spring weight formula in your notebook, it’s important.

The formula is “GW = K * d² * MD(mean diameter) * N(total coils)“.
–The K factor is 0.0194

Of course, the best spring weight formula is to weigh it on an electronic scale. But that is not the condition most of the time. Let’s begin today’s course.


Calculate the weight of a Compression Spring

Step 1: Calculate Wire Length

#1, calculate the wire length of one coil.

The formula is “3.1415 (Pi) * MD(mean diameter) = L1”

#2, calculate the total length of all coils.

The formula is “L1 * N(total number of coils)=L2”

Step 2: Calculate Spring Weight

The concept here is “density x volume”. The density of steel is normally “7.85g/cm3″. The process of volume calculation is unnecessary because we have done it and made it short for common use.

#1, Volume equals ” V = 3.1415(pi) * (d/2)² * L2 * ρ”.

The formula is very complicated. But don’t worry. We have made it short and it’s easier to use.

#2, We do some transfer and get a K factor(K = 0.0194) after our calculation of volume. It’s much more convenient to use with the “K factor”.

#3, Gross weight equals “GW = K * d² * MD(mean diameter) * N(total coils)”. d is the wire diameter.

Bingo. We are right here. Now you can easily calculate the compression spring weight with the perfect spring weight formula. Beware that the result is calculated in grams.

Step 3: spring weight formula of 1000pcs

#1, The spring weight formula above calculates the weight in grams. When it comes to 1000pcs, it’s exactly the same as the value of the formula, but the unit is in kilograms. That means “formula weight of 1pcs” in grams equals “formula weight of 1000pcs” in kilograms. You can do the math.

Let’s move on, to calculate the weight of the spring, the only thing you have to do is search for the density of that material and count the total coils. When it comes to extension and torsion springs, it’s just a little more complicated.


Calculate the weight of a torsion spring and/or extension Spring

Because we have the spring weight formula of “GW = K * d² * MD(mean diameter) * N(total coils)“. The only thing we have to check is the total number of coils. But extension springs have hooks and torsion springs have legs. We can make the below exchange.

Step 1: Calculate the wire length of the hooks and/or legs on extension/torsion springs.

I think you can easily do the math on paper. let’s write it as “Lh”

Step 2: Turn the hook/leg length to coils, using the calculation “Nh = Lh/L1”. Here we do another math again.

“N = body coils + Nh”, well we get the total coils again. Then, we can use the formula again…lol…

Step 3: Using the spring weight formula, “GW = K * d² * MD(mean diameter) * N(total coils)

For both extension springs and torsion springs, they are calculated under the same concept. But the core is the spring weight formula from us. That is “GW = K * d² * MD(mean diameter) * N(total coils)“. The only thing you have to think about is the total number of coils. Because you can’t get it directly from the drawing.

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